There are several legendary beginnings to Wing Chun, but no one really knows its true origins.
Some say it was invented by a woman, others say it was invented as a system to teach quickly in order to overcome all other martial arts.
Realistically, there was no “immaculate conception” of the art. Wing Chun was an evolution that took place in the hands of each person who touched it along the way.

Due to technical similarities, its influences are mostly likely derived from Fujian (Fukien) fighting systems such as Yong Chun White Crane which are related to the Hakka System. Their common features prefer short steps and close fighting, elbows low with its forms rather simple.

The earliest known mentions of Wing Chun date to the period of Red Boat Opera, a Cantonese traveling opera group who toured southern China on red junks (boats) in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They were instrumental in forming and leading a popular uprising against the government of the Qing Dynasty, using a very early version of what is today known as Wing Chun.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute