A blog about the art of Wing Chun in Irvine under the direction of The Dragon Institute
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Our founder, Adam Williss, is currently being featured in Shihan Essence
Our founder, Adam Williss, is currently being featured in Shihan Essence
Timeline Photos
I am excited to announce that I am being featured in @[263001587135594:274:Shihan Essence] - a company that creates unique art & products that capture the spirit and mysticism of Martial Arts and the Grandmasters. Please follow them for more great martial inspiration!
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/692472924117258
Timeline Photos
I am excited to announce that I am being featured in @[263001587135594:274:Shihan Essence] - a company that creates unique art & products that capture the spirit and mysticism of Martial Arts and the Grandmasters. Please follow them for more great martial inspiration!
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/692472924117258
"Wing Chun is absolutely an art that people from all walks of life can enjoy and...
"Wing Chun is absolutely an art that people from all walks of life can enjoy and learn to apply its concepts. Studying Wing Chun allows them to take its knowledge and apply it to their lives both physically and mentally. Adults of all ages consistently report stories of positive changes as a result." -Adam Williss Founder of The Dragon Institute International Association
Timeline Photos
We are starting our New Year Special early! Sign-up between now and the end of January to receive 30% off of your membership!
Contact us for more details!
(Offer applies to new members only)
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/692304134134137
Timeline Photos
We are starting our New Year Special early! Sign-up between now and the end of January to receive 30% off of your membership!
Contact us for more details!
(Offer applies to new members only)
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/692304134134137
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Planning is in the works for our Chinese New Year Celebration on February 1st! W...
Planning is in the works for our Chinese New Year Celebration on February 1st! We are very excited to annouce that Three Treasures Cultural Arts Society, Inc. will be performing the Lion Dance for us again this year!
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=691261074238443&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=691261074238443&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Friday, December 27, 2013
We are starting our New Year Special early! Sign-up between now and the end of J...
We are starting our New Year Special early! Sign-up between now and the end of January to receive 30% off of your membership!
Contact us for more details!
(Offer applies to new members only)
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=690721220959095&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Contact us for more details!
(Offer applies to new members only)
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=690721220959095&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at The Dragon Institute Intern...
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from all of us at The Dragon Institute International Association
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=689966251034592&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=689966251034592&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Saturday, December 21, 2013
The Ultimate Teacher
Fear holds a teacher back from sharing their knowledge openly. Many fear being taken advantage of by their students or being shown up by them so they hold back information. Their insecurities are projected into their teachings and often their students follow this same fear-driven approach when they teach. The sad thing is that most teachers have at least a certain degree of this fear with in them. However, the teacher a student should seek is the one who's life purpose is sharing openly with the hope that their students become better than them. This is the ultimate teacher.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Contact us today to schedule your free one-on-one introductory session directly...
Contact us today to schedule your free one-on-one introductory session directly with Adam Williss!
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=687751801256037&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=687751801256037&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Here's a picture of our founder to remind you that EVERYONE WAS ONCE A BEGINNER....
Here's a picture of our founder to remind you that EVERYONE WAS ONCE A BEGINNER.
Contact us today to schedule your free one-on-one introductory session directly with Adam Williss.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=683881808309703&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Contact us today to schedule your free one-on-one introductory session directly with Adam Williss.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=683881808309703&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Did you know that Wing Chun was created based on principles from Taoism? Read m...
Did you know that Wing Chun was created based on principles from Taoism?
Read more about it here --> http://www.orangecountymartialarts.info/2007/10/taoism-daoism-wing-chun.html
Taoism & Wing Chun | Orange County Martial Arts - Orange County, CA
Taoism & Wing Chun
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/683179431713274
Read more about it here --> http://www.orangecountymartialarts.info/2007/10/taoism-daoism-wing-chun.html
Taoism & Wing Chun | Orange County Martial Arts - Orange County, CA
Taoism & Wing Chun
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/683179431713274
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
The most inspiring thing you'll read all day! #Nolimits #WingChun
The most inspiring thing you'll read all day! #Nolimits #WingChun
Limitations by Steven Benjamin
I asked a group of Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do practitioners the following question... "Do you agree that Wing Chun has limitations?" After many diffferent opinions, one person's answer stood out from all the others. Here is his story...
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/682216375142913
Limitations by Steven Benjamin
I asked a group of Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do practitioners the following question... "Do you agree that Wing Chun has limitations?" After many diffferent opinions, one person's answer stood out from all the others. Here is his story...
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/682216375142913
Limitations by Steven Benjamin
I asked a group of Wing Chun and Jeet Kune Do practitioners the following question... "Do you agree that Wing Chun has limitations?" After many diffferent opinions, one person's answer stood out from the others, both in legnth and in inspiration. Here is his answer story...
Limitations, no, I disagree, not in Wing Chun or any Martial art for that matter. Can a Wing Chun Man throw a flying TKD Crescent Kick to win a fight and still say he has used Wing Chun to win? Sure, if he knows that his opponent is thinking him to only know WING CHUN, and expecting him, to fully and ONLY use techniques found in Wing Chun, uses his opponents anticipations against him.
My first instructor taught me this as he told another that he was going to defeat him with a kick to shin, then he punched the guy in the head and never kicked him. The lesson, "DON"T ANTICIPATE."
Limitations, imho, do not rest in any art...limitations rest in individuals. Limitations rest in those given to rigidity, not able to flow, who live by the dogma they must only act, or react by a certain set of rules.
Limitations rest in those given to fear.
Limitations rest in those easily prone to give up, give in, give out, or those who just never try in the first place, those who envy the path, but never take a single step.
If I had listened to my critics in 1988 when I began Wing Chun under a Disciple of Duncan Leung, at 285 lbs, those who said..."fat guys cant do Kung Fu"...I would have never stepped down the path.
While Training, I Have broken my left ankle, took out my left knee, torn ligaments in my right ankle, broken my right arm and trained with that same hairline fracture for 4 months in agony while it healed...all the while, there were those who told me I needed to quit...tried to tell me I had limitations.
When my own Sifu, my first instructor in the art, told me..."Steve, You might not ever be able to train Wing Chun Again...thats a bad (left) Ankle Break...and the truth is, I don't you will ever be able to shift your horse again..." I told him..."I will shift my horse again Sifu", and I choked back tears that desperately wanted to escape and excused myself citing I had to be somewhere, And I made it to my truch and swore I would shift my horse again, I would come back. And I did, and it took me a year to do so, and in that year, the things I COULD NOT DO AT FIRST, I worked on, and things I could do, I did. I threw over 1 million punches in that year, counted each and every one, recorded them, day by day, can tell you now the number thrown on any given day during that year between December 2005 and December 2006.
I know of only 6 men who were ever made instructors in my first Wing Chun Teachers School which ran for 22 years. There could have been more, I know of 6. I was one of them. Of those 6 I only know of one who had the position taken away from him, I was that one, on my birthday of all days, in late 2006 as well.
That was a blow, but I determined, I would not quit. 2 years later, On my birthday in 2008, I was the Senior Student of all my peers, I didn't quit.
On October 9th, 2008, a tragic motorcycle accident nearly severed my right foot 98% from the ankle, crushed the bones in the foot in over 100 places on the top of the foot, crushed the leg in 7 places from the knee to the ankle, tore a chunk of flesh the size of a grapefruit from my calf, revealing a section of bone you could grab with two hands.
27 surgeries, over a quarter million dollars in under 3 months. Experts at UNC wanted to take my entire left Latissimus Dorsi to reconstruct my lower right foot. When I refused the surgery and it's 5 year plan of reconstructive surgeries to follow, citing that while I did not wish to lose my leg, I felt I stood a better chance of completing my dreams of finishing my Wing Chun training on one leg with a prosthetic than if I let them take that Left Lat and I lost the use of two limbs...well, they sent the Shrinks in on me. The shrinks ruled that I had the right to choose what to do with my own body and was thinking rationally.
I CHOSE LIMB LOSS...for the hope of just THE CHANCE to train again.
It was ten months after amputation, when I first tried to do the Dummy Form again. The same form I once could do in 2 minutes, took me 36 minutes to do the form all the way through just once. I would get to a set I could not do, and refuse to continue until I half a$$ done it, or finally had to accept it would be some time, and made an alternate movement to do at that point, then I would finally continue to the next set.
It was 3 yrs before I could do the dummy form again, all the way through, without stopping, without alternate movements, and in under 5 minutes, but I did it, and can today.
It took me nearly a year and a half after amputation to be able to shift my horse again without falling every time I shifted to the left, but I got a decent horse today.
It took me over 2 years to be able to do triangle footwork without falling to the ground, or stumbling 6 feet everytime I worked the footwork to my right side.
It took me 2 years to be able to do the Chum Kui form again without falling everytime I shifted to the right...or did a kick...and if you know anything about that form...well...'nuff said.
I had ONE DAY, of Physical Therapy...JUST ONE!
YOU see, I had it with the main nurse in charge and left.
She told me at one point..."Mr. Crider, your problem is, you don't know your own Limitations...You have got to learn the boundaries of your limitations."
I got up, hopped my ass out of there with my walker, and I never returned. I educated myself, got informed, then taught myself to walk again with a natural gait.
To Build endurance in the limb, I carried an 80lb Everlast Heavy Bag. First I carried that bag 25 ft to the Mailbox, had to leave it there and go in to get my wheel chair and take it outside to put that bag in the wheelchair and wheel it back in. Soon I carried that bag both ways; then 1 block; then 2 blocks; then 4, then 6, then 12, then a half a mile on a regular basis.
Last month my overweight 276 lb butt carried that same 80lb Everlast Heavy Bag for an entire MILE without setting it down once! And I did to raise awareness for Amputee Causes in Central Texas and Waco regions, while an assistant editor for the Waco Tribune followed me every step of the 40 minute task, taking photographs for a future story in the paper and in his own publication, "WACO TODAY"...overwieght, 276 lbs, and on a prosthetic leg that was not fitting well...I wonder how many of you with two legs and no health issues could do the same task tommorrow?
For those of you who would place limitations on your own art...no MATTER WHAT THAT ART MAY BE...well, I suggest you quit today, and find something you can actually BELIEVE IN!
I have actually used my Wing Chun, it has saved my a$$ on several occasions and my life on at least 2! I have used it against armed and unarmed assailants, and I believe in the art I have been taught.
Limitations on Wing Chun? Nah''...brother, there ain't NO LIMITS ON MY WING CHUN! HELL, I havent found any limits on "ME" Yet!!
And while I am not a Sifu yet, but you can rest assured, I am not far from it, and I am going to be, and when I am, I am going be a damn fine SiFu, You can bet on that!
And specifically for all you Wing Chun Practitioners who would rather cite limitations on your own art than confess your need to get in the gym more...well, I just got one word for you...
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
![]() |
Steven Benjamin |
Limitations, no, I disagree, not in Wing Chun or any Martial art for that matter. Can a Wing Chun Man throw a flying TKD Crescent Kick to win a fight and still say he has used Wing Chun to win? Sure, if he knows that his opponent is thinking him to only know WING CHUN, and expecting him, to fully and ONLY use techniques found in Wing Chun, uses his opponents anticipations against him.
My first instructor taught me this as he told another that he was going to defeat him with a kick to shin, then he punched the guy in the head and never kicked him. The lesson, "DON"T ANTICIPATE."
Limitations, imho, do not rest in any art...limitations rest in individuals. Limitations rest in those given to rigidity, not able to flow, who live by the dogma they must only act, or react by a certain set of rules.
Limitations rest in those given to fear.
Limitations rest in those easily prone to give up, give in, give out, or those who just never try in the first place, those who envy the path, but never take a single step.
If I had listened to my critics in 1988 when I began Wing Chun under a Disciple of Duncan Leung, at 285 lbs, those who said..."fat guys cant do Kung Fu"...I would have never stepped down the path.
While Training, I Have broken my left ankle, took out my left knee, torn ligaments in my right ankle, broken my right arm and trained with that same hairline fracture for 4 months in agony while it healed...all the while, there were those who told me I needed to quit...tried to tell me I had limitations.
When my own Sifu, my first instructor in the art, told me..."Steve, You might not ever be able to train Wing Chun Again...thats a bad (left) Ankle Break...and the truth is, I don't you will ever be able to shift your horse again..." I told him..."I will shift my horse again Sifu", and I choked back tears that desperately wanted to escape and excused myself citing I had to be somewhere, And I made it to my truch and swore I would shift my horse again, I would come back. And I did, and it took me a year to do so, and in that year, the things I COULD NOT DO AT FIRST, I worked on, and things I could do, I did. I threw over 1 million punches in that year, counted each and every one, recorded them, day by day, can tell you now the number thrown on any given day during that year between December 2005 and December 2006.
I know of only 6 men who were ever made instructors in my first Wing Chun Teachers School which ran for 22 years. There could have been more, I know of 6. I was one of them. Of those 6 I only know of one who had the position taken away from him, I was that one, on my birthday of all days, in late 2006 as well.
That was a blow, but I determined, I would not quit. 2 years later, On my birthday in 2008, I was the Senior Student of all my peers, I didn't quit.
On October 9th, 2008, a tragic motorcycle accident nearly severed my right foot 98% from the ankle, crushed the bones in the foot in over 100 places on the top of the foot, crushed the leg in 7 places from the knee to the ankle, tore a chunk of flesh the size of a grapefruit from my calf, revealing a section of bone you could grab with two hands.
27 surgeries, over a quarter million dollars in under 3 months. Experts at UNC wanted to take my entire left Latissimus Dorsi to reconstruct my lower right foot. When I refused the surgery and it's 5 year plan of reconstructive surgeries to follow, citing that while I did not wish to lose my leg, I felt I stood a better chance of completing my dreams of finishing my Wing Chun training on one leg with a prosthetic than if I let them take that Left Lat and I lost the use of two limbs...well, they sent the Shrinks in on me. The shrinks ruled that I had the right to choose what to do with my own body and was thinking rationally.
I CHOSE LIMB LOSS...for the hope of just THE CHANCE to train again.
It was ten months after amputation, when I first tried to do the Dummy Form again. The same form I once could do in 2 minutes, took me 36 minutes to do the form all the way through just once. I would get to a set I could not do, and refuse to continue until I half a$$ done it, or finally had to accept it would be some time, and made an alternate movement to do at that point, then I would finally continue to the next set.
It was 3 yrs before I could do the dummy form again, all the way through, without stopping, without alternate movements, and in under 5 minutes, but I did it, and can today.
It took me nearly a year and a half after amputation to be able to shift my horse again without falling every time I shifted to the left, but I got a decent horse today.
It took me over 2 years to be able to do triangle footwork without falling to the ground, or stumbling 6 feet everytime I worked the footwork to my right side.
It took me 2 years to be able to do the Chum Kui form again without falling everytime I shifted to the right...or did a kick...and if you know anything about that form...well...'nuff said.
I had ONE DAY, of Physical Therapy...JUST ONE!
YOU see, I had it with the main nurse in charge and left.
She told me at one point..."Mr. Crider, your problem is, you don't know your own Limitations...You have got to learn the boundaries of your limitations."
I got up, hopped my ass out of there with my walker, and I never returned. I educated myself, got informed, then taught myself to walk again with a natural gait.
To Build endurance in the limb, I carried an 80lb Everlast Heavy Bag. First I carried that bag 25 ft to the Mailbox, had to leave it there and go in to get my wheel chair and take it outside to put that bag in the wheelchair and wheel it back in. Soon I carried that bag both ways; then 1 block; then 2 blocks; then 4, then 6, then 12, then a half a mile on a regular basis.
Last month my overweight 276 lb butt carried that same 80lb Everlast Heavy Bag for an entire MILE without setting it down once! And I did to raise awareness for Amputee Causes in Central Texas and Waco regions, while an assistant editor for the Waco Tribune followed me every step of the 40 minute task, taking photographs for a future story in the paper and in his own publication, "WACO TODAY"...overwieght, 276 lbs, and on a prosthetic leg that was not fitting well...I wonder how many of you with two legs and no health issues could do the same task tommorrow?
For those of you who would place limitations on your own art...no MATTER WHAT THAT ART MAY BE...well, I suggest you quit today, and find something you can actually BELIEVE IN!
I have actually used my Wing Chun, it has saved my a$$ on several occasions and my life on at least 2! I have used it against armed and unarmed assailants, and I believe in the art I have been taught.
Limitations on Wing Chun? Nah''...brother, there ain't NO LIMITS ON MY WING CHUN! HELL, I havent found any limits on "ME" Yet!!
And while I am not a Sifu yet, but you can rest assured, I am not far from it, and I am going to be, and when I am, I am going be a damn fine SiFu, You can bet on that!
And specifically for all you Wing Chun Practitioners who would rather cite limitations on your own art than confess your need to get in the gym more...well, I just got one word for you...
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Looking for some great martial arts quotes? Look no further! http://www.orangec...
Looking for some great martial arts quotes? Look no further!
Martial Arts Quotes | Orange County Martial Arts - Orange County, CA
Martial Arts Quotes
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/680987658599118
Martial Arts Quotes | Orange County Martial Arts - Orange County, CA
Martial Arts Quotes
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/680987658599118
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Friday, December 6, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
"A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger...
"A mind at peace, a mind centered and not focused on harming others, is stronger than any physical force in the universe" - Wayne Dyer
Don't forget to like/share if you agree! : D
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=676065812424636&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Don't forget to like/share if you agree! : D
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=676065812424636&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Living the Wing Chun life... Read article here --> http://www.orangecountyma...
Living the Wing Chun life...
Read article here -->
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=678993938798490&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Read article here -->
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=678993938798490&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Monday, December 2, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Are you familiar with Purring, the ancient art of shin kicking? Read more abo...
Are you familiar with Purring, the ancient art of shin kicking?
Read more about it here -->
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=675348602496357&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Read more about it here -->
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=675348602496357&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Wing Chun Training Ring
Over my years of training Wing Chun, I've tried all kinds of ways in order to improve, kinda like a researcher using myself as a guinea pig.
One of those aspects I tried many years ago was the Wing Chun training ring. I was advised against it. I was told that it develops bad habit. I didn't understand how. So of course I didn't listen to it. Does anyone ever listen? So not fully understanding the implications, I didn't think it could be that bad.
Knowing what I know today, man was I wrong!
I can honestly say that I just can't see ANY positives for using it.
Here's why...
I only see it reinforcing specifically attributes want to reduce ("spreading" someone's hands away with outward pressure). Every beginner has more of this reflexive spreading/outward pressure at first, but through chi sao and other drills, wework hard at reducing it since it takes us away from your goal (the other person's center line). What's more, when we give outward spreading pressure to someone we are also struggling against the pressure from their arms. This struggle against and away from their center is very defensively driven, rather than offensively driven. Since the best defense is an offense, we must stay focused on taking our energy to their core, not way from it against their arms. The more we give the other person this struggling outward pressure, the more we create an opportunity for them to use it against us by simply letting our pressure go and flowing around it to our center. If our pressure is directed at their core, they can't let it go or they will get hit.
So there you go. Not that you'll end up listening to me though. :)
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Solo Training
The secret is within your solo training. You have to know what it means to find it on your own, by yourself, in solitude. You won't find it by anyone else telling you. You have to seek it yourself, by yourself and for yourself. It's this solitude that cultivates authentic understanding. This is what solo training means – to constantly seek the implications within you. Because these implications simply can't be taught, they must be experienced in order to be understood.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Do you know the importance of sparring? Not sure? Read article here --> htt...
Do you know the importance of sparring?
Not sure? Read article here -->
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=674866305877920&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Not sure? Read article here -->
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=674866305877920&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Monday, November 25, 2013
"You don't stop training Wing Chun when you get old. You get old when you stop t...
"You don't stop training Wing Chun when you get old. You get old when you stop training Wing Chun." -Adam Williss|| Like+Share if you agree.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=674283235936227&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=674283235936227&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Timeline Photos
The secret is within your solo training. You have to know what it means to find it on your own, by yourself, in solitude. You won't find it by anyone else telling you. You have to seek it yourself, by yourself and for yourself. It's this solitude that cultivates authentic understanding. This is what solo training means – to constantly seek the implications within you. Because these implications simply can't be taught, they must be experienced in order to be understood.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/673823775982173
Thursday, November 21, 2013
The Hidden Power of Siu Nim Tau | By Chu Shong Tin
Like every beginner in class, I started my journey with Siu Nim Tau, even though I had already familiarized myself with the form as an observer. It took me little effort to completely learn the basic movements. I then began to wonder about the essence of the form, besides the hand movements. I went ...
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/672381356126415
I started taking lessons from Adam about 5 years ago. Back then, there wasn't ev...
I started taking lessons from Adam about 5 years ago. Back then, there wasn't even a Dragon Institute, there was his garage and about 4 of us not including Sifu(Adam). Before this I was extremely introverted, awkward, had horrible body posture (I hunched over and looked like I really didn’t have much self confidence). At the time (before I had found The Dragon Institute) my close friends, two brothers, invited me to their Karate Kempo class. I thought it was the coolest thing ever—people working hard to become able to defend themselves and to have fun. But there was something about it that completely turned me off. The attitude of the class was a little spartan: the teacher would punish you if did something wrong you, often physically. He’d kick you or make you do large amounts of exercises. It gave me the impression that the things I would be doing most of the time was being punished, growing muscles and memorizing combo strings, when I really wanted some magical technique that would allow me to be able to handle myself regardless of the size, speed, or strength of the opponent. This seemed like a fantasy to me at this point. I began to research different types of martial arts online. I was drawn to Tai Chi and I called every single school in my area and told them what I was looking for, They told me it was for old people and was basically just for health, not for self defense. I told my mom about my frustration of finding the right thing for me. She said she would keep a look out for me. One day she said she saw an ad online for some place in San Clemente for something called “Wing Chun”. I had never heard of it before but I decided to give it a shot, not expecting much. When I showed up at the address I found out that it wasn’t a studio like all of the others, it was some guy’s garage. The garage was open and there was a strange wooden thing attached to the wall, a big bag, a wooden pole and a few guys in T-Shirts and gym shorts warming up. They were all very friendly and there was a different attitude about these people, similar to the difference between a mainstream restaurant and a home-style restaurant, everything felt so personal. The teacher, Adam, explained to me what Wing Chun was about, being able to overcome someone is bigger or stronger than I. I had heard it all before and I wasn’t convinced, most places had told me the exact same thing. We did some drills that had some very awkward movements and stood and funny stances that felt extremely unstable. I felt like this was not what I was looking for. During the class Adam had us spar in slow motion, turn-by-turn, now this was the strangest thing I had seen so far. When I finally got my turn with Adam I didn’t really know what to do. Adam was a good foot and a half taller than me and was a big guy, I was, and still am, slim and 5ft.6in. tall, I didn’t think I could even reach him before I would have his fist in my face, and that’s what happened. I moved forward and he put his hand in my face. He must have seen the frustration on my face and he did something I will never forget. He didn’t say anything he readjusted my posture in a strange way and put my hand on his wrist. He then continued to follow through with his punch and instead of hitting my face it went past it. He then told me to step forward and keep that weird posture. Not believing that it would do anything, I did, and his body went hurtling backwards into the big bag—I’ve been sold since then. That was the beginning of my life-changing experiences with this man and his students. I began to gain confidence, I couldn’t explain why either. My posture began to become straight, and previous back problems that I had suffered, problems that people 40 years older than me usually suffer, went away. I began to feel happier; less stressed, and with this, became more extroverted and reaped all of the benefits that come with it. One day Adam told us his intentions of making this something more than just his garage, of moving to a studio, our own studio. I was resistant to the change at first; I remembered the attitudes of all of those people with studios, the elite vibe that they gave off. I wanted to continue to study with Adam and his students so I went along with it. We all donated to the future school and it was created. New students came and time went by, the attitude didn’t change, I noticed the people around me, the ones who stayed, they started to change, some similar to me, some different. One thing was certain: their lives were improving. I began to realize that this wasn’t just self-defense against people anymore, it was about dealing with life as well. I’ve been watching his kid classes doing things like charity work as well as his adult classes allowing people to change the way they act and think (similar to my changes). I owe many positive changes to my life to Adam and his school and I would never pass up that chance if I had to do it again. -Jim
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Monday, November 18, 2013
Since the majority of people practicing martial arts today are combat sports foc...
Since the majority of people practicing martial arts today are combat sports focused, it could be said that Wing Chun is looked down upon by most martial artists today.
Therefore, some Wing Chun people have chosen to participate in competition in order ot "show the world" the validity of Wing Chun. However, I believe this line of thinking is misdirected.
Instead, we must stay true to the reason we train and not allow other's opinions alter the integrity of our training. In other words, we can't let the opinion of others change how we determine the validity of our art or our training methods. We must remember our goal for training and stay focused on that goal.
Wing Chun for Self-Defense - Staying True to Our Purpose
I enjoy all martial arts. But I teach that Wing Chun is for self-defense, not for sports competition or for participating in street fighting.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/670411522990065
Therefore, some Wing Chun people have chosen to participate in competition in order ot "show the world" the validity of Wing Chun. However, I believe this line of thinking is misdirected.
Instead, we must stay true to the reason we train and not allow other's opinions alter the integrity of our training. In other words, we can't let the opinion of others change how we determine the validity of our art or our training methods. We must remember our goal for training and stay focused on that goal.
Wing Chun for Self-Defense - Staying True to Our Purpose
I enjoy all martial arts. But I teach that Wing Chun is for self-defense, not for sports competition or for participating in street fighting.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/670411522990065
"I never said it would be easy. Giving up is easy. I've dedicated my life to nev...
"I never said it would be easy. Giving up is easy. I've dedicated my life to never quitting and I expect nothing less from you." -Adam Williss
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Saturday, November 16, 2013
A recent photo of the great Sifu Ben Der that we feel captures his amazing spiri...
A recent photo of the great Sifu Ben Der that we feel captures his amazing spirit - posted by his student Richard M. Low.
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Thursday, November 14, 2013
Its humbling to have the honor of carrying this Wing Chun legacy into the future...
Its humbling to have the honor of carrying this Wing Chun legacy into the future. THANK YOU to those great individuals who have dedicated their lives to this brilliant art! Please "Share/Like" to honor them.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Its not all the same! Know the difference.
Its not all the same! Know the difference.
Street Fighting, Combat Sports & Self-Defense
What's the difference between street fighting, combat sports and self-defense? Aren't all martial arts self-defense?
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/666846190013265
Street Fighting, Combat Sports & Self-Defense
What's the difference between street fighting, combat sports and self-defense? Aren't all martial arts self-defense?
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/666846190013265
The History of Wing Chun
There are several legendary beginnings to Wing Chun, but no one really knows its true origins. Some say it was invented by a woman, others say it was invented as a system to teach quickly in order to overcome all other martial arts. Realistically, there was no “immaculate conception” of the art. W...
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/666391506725400
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
The History of Wing Chun
There are several legendary beginnings to Wing Chun, but no one really knows its true origins.
Some say it was invented by a woman, others say it was invented as a system to teach quickly in order to overcome all other martial arts.
Realistically, there was no “immaculate conception” of the art. Wing Chun was an evolution that took place in the hands of each person who touched it along the way.

Due to technical similarities, its influences are mostly likely derived from Fujian (Fukien) fighting systems such as Yong Chun White Crane which are related to the Hakka System. Their common features prefer short steps and close fighting, elbows low with its forms rather simple.

The earliest known mentions of Wing Chun date to the period of Red Boat Opera, a Cantonese traveling opera group who toured southern China on red junks (boats) in the late 1800s and early 1900s. They were instrumental in forming and leading a popular uprising against the government of the Qing Dynasty, using a very early version of what is today known as Wing Chun.
Posted by Adam Williss, Founder of The Dragon Institute
Monday, November 11, 2013
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=665795323451685&set=a.134728236558399.17854.133724726658750&type=1
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Isolated Long Bridge WC Boxing
Derrick and Chris doing some long bridge sparring. With this kind of training, they are isolating a longer range using a visual bridge for feedback (not relying on a tactile bridge).
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/665658183465399
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Isolated Long Bridge WC Boxing (Created with Magisto)
Created with Magisto (http://www.magisto.com). Magically turn your everyday videos into beautifully edited movies, perfect for sharing. It's free, quick, and easy as pie! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhtajKFIbi4
This is worth another share... for those that haven't seen it yet
This is worth another share... for those that haven't seen it yet
The Spirit of Wing Chun
Dedicated to the legend of Ip Man and the advancement of Wing Chun.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/665061250191759
The Spirit of Wing Chun
Dedicated to the legend of Ip Man and the advancement of Wing Chun.
via The Dragon Institute | Orange County | Wing Chun Kung Fu's Facebook Wall http://www.facebook.com/orangecountywingchunkungfu/posts/665061250191759
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